Tell Us How You Feel About Permanent Makeup
Real Women Debate The Pros And Cons Of Permanent Makeup

So here’s my question for you guys. How do you feel about permanent makeup?

Here’s something I learned recently: Never express your hatred for a beauty trend– especially one that leaves permanent marks on people’s bodies for all time, forever, always– if you’re not positive that your audience agrees with your opinion. Yikes.

(Related: Tell Us How You Feel About Stretched Ear Piercings)

Basically, I was driving around with a group of friends in LA, and we passed a billboard advertising permanent makeup. If you’re not familiar with the concept, it’s pretty much a kind of tattoo that makes your face look like it’s wearing makeup for the rest of your life. People get their brows filled in and shaped, people get eyeliner put on, and people get lip liner, or all-over lip colors applied. It’s something that had a moment of popularity a few decades ago, faded into obscurity, and is having a resurgence right now. I looked up at the billboard and stuck my tongue out. “I hate that stuff,” I announced to my friends. “People think it’s a good idea, and then they look completely nuts when they get older.” That’s when one of my friends said the words that sent my palm flying for my face: “My mom has permanent makeup. It looks good on her.”

That’s the moment that I died. I’ve been dead ever since.

For real, though. That conversation has been repeating in my head for weeks now, and not just because I was embarrassed. I’m starting to wonder if I wrote the idea of permanent makeup off too soon. After looking around online, I’ve found that a lot of people actually do look awesome with it. I’ve read testimonies from people who feel like it changed their lives for the better, saving them time, making them feel more confident about their faces. I’ve also found people who would undo it all in a heartbeat.

So here’s my question for you guys. How do you feel about permanent makeup? Is it something you would do? Is it cool on other people but not your thing? Is it something you’d never dream of doing in a million years? Leave us a comment, and maybe we can solve this mystery together.

We’ve always been able to count on our readers to bring awesome insight to the comments section, so we’re giving you guys a chance every Thursday to tell us how you feel about new trends! Click here to see the Tell Us How You Feel About archives.

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